
Melissa Ianetta is the Executive Director of Writing and Communication, the Class of 1958 Profess… more

Caitlin holds a MA from the University of Tennessee and a PhD from the University of Missouri, an… more

Professional Consultants

Sarah holds a PhD from the University of Arizona. Her research and teaching specializations inclu… more

Courtney received her PhD in English Literature and graduate certificates in University Teaching… more

Mike received his PhD in English from Emory University. His research focuses on postcolonial and… more

Jessica received her PhD in Rhetoric and Composition and a graduate certificate in Women’s, Gende… more

Peer Consultants

Abbie is a trained peer tutor at the Naugle Communication Center and a third-year Literature, Med… more

Alyssa is a trained undergrad peer consultant studying Literature, Media, and Communication.… more

Abby is a fourth-year undergraduate Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) major, minoring in Ch… more

Lily is a fourth year pursuing her B.S. in Literature, Media, and Communications with a concentra… more

I am an undergraduate at Georgia Tech currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I wo… more

Savannah, a third-year student studying Literature and Communication, is able to assist with writ… more

Sam is a 4th-year Literature, Media, and Communication major. His primary interests are… more

Center Assistants

I am a 3rd year Business Administration major with a concentration in Information Technology Mana… more

Coming Soon